Transformative Tech Talk: A lightning session from experts in the field of enterprise technology
Christie: 7 Keys to Building a Highly Collaborative Culture in the Hybrid Workplace
Culture is not an initiative. Culture is the enabler of all initiatives. Studies show that 85% of employees rate feeling part of a team‚ or, being part of something bigger‚ as one of the top 3 factors in their job satisfaction. The problem is that the need for a hybrid workplace, WFH, and Return to Office (RtO) have all played their roles in one of the biggest workforce challenges we have faced in decades. Our workforce is challenged with being geographically spread out, less apt to have impromptu discussions and have indicated that they have lost some of the human connection that comes with working on a team. The leap to using technologies for collaborative and hybrid workplaces serve to solve only a part of the problem. Join this session to hear why the 7 keys (People, Purpose, Practice, Promotion, Process, Protection) to building a collaborative culture will bring your teams closer and more aligned and it will help them better perform as a well-oiled machine.